Delight your readers — ditch the PDF
Turn your technical writing into beautiful, web-native books with built-in reader management, instant updates, feedback, and reader analytics.

Publish your technical book as a web application
Trade in the static PDF for a rich, web-native experience. Understand and connect with your readers, keep your book's content fresh, and rest easy knowing that when you find the tyop you missed on page 38 you can fix it for every reader, instantly.
Authenticate and manager readers
Readers sign up and sign in to access your book through a customizable URL and landing page. You can provision new reader accounts directly, and modify and remove reader accounts as needed, making it easy to invite and manage test readers and give aways.

Understand reader behavior and get direct feedback
Engage with your readers and get the insights you need to keep improving your craft. Hear directly from your readers through an on-page feedback widget that sends notes from readers straight to your inbox.
Track views, reading time per chapter, and page interactions to learn what content your readers are engaging with the most.
Get paid for your work
Our Gumroad and Stripe (coming soon!) integrations allow you to start selling copies of your book using the platforms you already trust. We handle the technical details so you can stay focused on writing and selling, not reinventing the wheel.

Fair, transparent pricing for new and experienced writers alike
For new writers looking to focus on their craft as they build their audience.
1 published book with user management
Gumroad licensing integration
Chapter analytics
Unlimited book versions
For established writers excited to provide best experience for their readers.
5 published books with user management
Gumroad licensing integration
Chapter analytics
Unlimited book versions
Free plan
Using Scriptive to publish free, open source books? Use Scriptive free, as long as everything you publish on Scriptive is published for free.
Free for your readers == free for you.